If you see any of the flags we have posted in Yutan damaged or down, please call (402)309-0385.
Our meetings are regularly scheduled for the third Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. Please plan to attend. We need more people to continue our service to support veterans and our community.
We at the VFW have served our community in a good many ways. We have our steak dinners, we hold observances of Memorial Day and Memorial Day, honor guards for funerals, scholarships and awards for young people, and assistance for veterans in need. But time and old age have been thinning our ranks. We need more young people to continue our service. We need enough members at our meetings to meet the requirements for making decisions to assist people and to pay bills. We welcome anyone with ideas about how we can better benefit our community. Please attend our meetings (The 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Country Club) to get connected with us.
Short Cuts to pages on this Web Site
Memorial Day Remembrances
Announcements and Coming Events - Also listed at the bottom of this page.
Calendar and Scheduled Events
To schedule events,please contact Vicki Wollen 402-669-4462
News and Recent History
Photo Album
Our Officers
Our Wall of Honor - Local Citizens who went to war and did not return.
Additional Information of Interest to Veterans
More information can be accessed using the tabs at the top of this page and icons at the bottom of this page
. Click the HOME tab to get back here.
This site was last updated March 7, 2025.
As yesterday's defenders of freedom, we want to welcome today's military
service members into our ranks to become part of our elite group. Our
common bond is the battlefield, whether it is service in the Persian
Gulf, Korea, Kosovo, the war on terrorism or peace-keeping expeditionary
campaigns. Your courage and sacrifice have made a difference in
preserving and defending world peace.
Not everyone has served in hostile territory. But every member of the VFW has Just like you, we've been there. As a member of the largest combat veteran's organization, you can count on the same camaraderie and brotherhood you shared in the military. Continue the tradition. Join the VFW.
The Yutan Veterans Country Club is located just south of the Welcome to Yutan Sign on Highway 92.
Most recent post: March 21, 2025
Web Site Administrator:
Ed Perley
(402) 651-8120
Number of visits to this site in January 2023: 152
Number of visits to this site in February 2023: 209
Number of visits to this site in March 2023: 308
Number of visits to this site in April 2023: 294
Number of visits to this site in May 2023: 285
Recording of visits to this site have been temporarily turned off.