The Yutan VFW chapter needs to replace the signs we have posted on the Yutan Country Club building.  We are going to hold a raffle to pay for them.  The prizes are listed below.
First prize:  $500.00 of meat from the Ravanna Locker.
Second prize:  A handmade quilt.
Third prize:  garden gnome, others.
 The drawing will be at the State Convention June 8 of next year.
 Legion Baseball games will not be held this year because the teams do not have enough players.  We hope we can bring them back next year.

Click the News tab and Legion Baseball tab at the top of the page when the teams will be playing.
 For information about any coming events events, please contact Hank Sauer (402) 290-8452. or Nicholas Brand.  (402) 309-0385