Veterans Day Ceremony

Edwin Perley - 11/17/2020

Veterans Day was observed at the Yutan High School last Wednesday on November 11.  Because of the Covid 19 epidemic,  the ceremony was limited.  Fifteen veterans took part and the there were about 50 spectators, mostly high school students.  Hank Sauer delivered the message.  He reminded us that 22 veterans commit suicide every day and the suicide rate for students is 17 per day.  He urged all of us to be alert and find help for people who seem to be having troubles.
Awards for our Voice of Democracy and Patriot's Pen contest winners and Teacher of the Year were announced and presented.
Voice of Democracy Winners
1st Place:     Kaden Hufstedler
2nd Place:    Caden Edr
3rd Place      Brady Timm
Patriot's Pen Winners
1st Place:      Leah Eggen
2nd Place:     Leah Thompson
3rd Place:      Wyatt Lloyd
Teacher of the Year for Grades 9 through 12
Allssa Hanson
1st Place:
The winners received a certificate and trophy.
Winners will compete for District awards, which will be awarded at the District Meeting at Wahoo on November 22
We saw a video of the First Grade Choir and the High School Choir singing patriotic songs.  More information and photographs will be shown in the future.  Breakfast was served by the students before the ceremony.

Post News

Important Info for Post9844 Members

May 27, 2024 Memorial Day Service

The VFW and American Legion took part in a Memorial Day service.

District #9 Meeting at Yutan

The District #9 meeting was held at the Yutan Country Club.

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